Monday, August 31, 2009

Continuation of Sep Newsletter- Dr. Sandy Magnus

Dr. Magnus is just one of thousands at NASA. She is just one of thousands who had a hopes and dreams many years ago. She accomplished the Extraordianry in life because she not only had hopes and dreams but she had written goals and visualized herself an astronaut. But what made her extraordinary is that she took action. And, she was extraordinary also because there were many in her life who inspired her and created in her life a vision of being able to do anything she wanted to do in life.

Pope John Paul XXIII said, "consult not your fears but consult your hopes and dreams, concern yourself not with frustrations in life but with your unfullfilled potential, and dwell not with your negatives but dwell on all the possibilities in your life."

Dr. Magnus is an example of the thoughts of Pope Jon Paul XXIII. Corky Helms, a person dedicated to his profession as a teacher and mentor and I also know as a great member of Optimist International is also an example of the fact that being extraordinary can be accomplished by anyone willing to do the EXTRA. Corky did the extra in his life and because he did, Dr. Sandy Magnus is our Extraordinary Inspirational Person for September and rightfully so Corky is also the Inspirational Person for September along with her.

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